The Easiest Way to Ensure Your Persistence

Most of us are conditioned to take the path of least resistance even if it means staying miserable.

You see to achieve something big, beautiful and truly worthwhile, especially if it’s something you’ve never done before and have no idea how to do, you are going to need to develop persistence.

The reason for this is that the real purpose of a goal is to grow.

It’s the growth that gives us meaning to life.

But ask anyone on the path of personal growth, it’s not easy.

Personal growth takes courage and persistence. There will often be times when it feels tempting to go back to safety, back to the old and lousy, back to the way things were.

“Those who have cultivated the HABIT of persistence
seem to enjoy insurance against failure”

~~ Napoleon Hill

The worthy goal you’ve selected is your vehicle for growth. It’s the “carrot” urging you forward.

The reason we want your goal to be something truly significant and desirable is because in order to achieve it you ARE going to have to grow.

You are going to have to overcome obstacles but as you doRead more

Related Reading:

This is Janet Poole and I believe in freedom and living your true potential.

I believe in finding better ways to grow your business and live a better life.

I believe in being someone you can count on for support all the way into achieving your goal.

I have searched the world to find the best ways to grow, achieve permanent change and create your wildest dreams — I have found it in the program Thinking Into Results.

Better Ways. More Freedom.
