A Natural Leader: Someone Willing to Evolve & Grow

The first order of business of course is always to make a profit.

Without profit, we’re out of business.

But the real PURPOSE of a business is to make life more meaningful and as human beings we love nothing more than making a positive difference in someone else’s life. 

I believe it doesn’t matter whether you’re a business owner, business leader or an individual… we’re all “in business”.

In order to serve others in the greatest way, our first job is to evolve and grow ourselves and by doing that we in turn lead the way for others to do the same.

You want to always BE YOUR BEST

What’s interesting is that I’ve worked with the quietest of people who would never consider themselves a leader because they don’t realise leaders are made and not born.

Strong leadership depends primarily on a person’s willingness to learn how to evolve and grow.

They only have to be WILLING to grow; the rest takes care of itself.

They create a magnificent life for themselves and positively impact those around them.

They become more magnetic to others; they’re an inspiration.

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This is Janet Poole and I believe in leading yourself and others with love, breaking the rules and trusting yourself.

I believe you’re entitled to know your true inner power, do what you love, love yourself fully and completely without guilt, and be euphorically happy.

You deserve it.

I believe in being someone you can count on for support all the way into achieving your goal.

Lead with Love. Break the Rules. Trust Yourself.

Seeking Freedom is Never Frivolous

Think about those behaviours we label wayward or sinful and you’ll notice they’re not about the behaviour at all; they’re about our urgency to become someone really exceptional, truly outstanding.

Let me explain.

You’d dearly love to live life on your own terms, not according to someone else’s rules.

You want to be liberated and you WISH it were an ideal world.

Well, it is an ideal world, once you’ve gathered the right knowledge and chosen that as an outcome.

In you is a tremendous desire to exercise your free will and go for greatness but it takes enormous courage because it means going against the flow.

That’s what in most cases STOPS our start because…

Read more here on my consulting website

This is Janet Poole and I believe everything starts with learning to love yourself.

Loving yourself first puts you in the best place to learn how to use the infinite, high performance machine we call our mind so that you can discover your true potential, get out of the box and live a life of love & freedom!

I believe in leading yourself and others with love, breaking the rules and trusting yourself.

I believe in being someone you can count on for support all the way into achieving your goal.

Lead with Love. Break the Rules. Trust Yourself.

Contact me if that’s how you’d like to run your life and business!

Thinking into Results Certified Consultant

A 10% or 20% Improvement is NOT the Idea

Ten or twenty percent is only an incremental gain.

For some that’s an impressive performance – depending on the challenge.

I prefer the idea of a quantum leap.

Why not choose to double your level of success? Why not triple it? Or more!
Why play small when you can go big?

To do this you’re going to have to be illogical.

The 3 Basic Principles of a Quantum Leap

1. Think of something you truly WANT to achieve, something you’d love to be, do or have.
To achieve a quantum leap, it must come from inside.
It must be something seeking expression in and through YOU.
This could be for you personally — or if you’re the leader of a team or business.

What do you have a burning desire to do?
If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
Write it down. Imagine you are already living it NOW (that’s really important).

2. Let go of having to know HOW you’re going to get there.
You may already be able to see the problems you’ll face.
You may already realise some resources you’ll need are missing.
You may have no idea how you’re going to work through some of the logistics.
Believe it or not, none of that is your problem.

“Absence of evidence is not evidence of their absence.”
~~ Price Pritchett, You2

Everything you need will come to you as you need it.

…read on to learn Principle #3 — it’s simple but essential for you to make that quantum leap!

Related Reading:

Is Anything Really Possible?

Play It Safe and Survive — Is That Enough?

How to Be Happy and Love Your Life

Do You Think For Yourself? Here’s How to Start

This is Janet Poole and I believe in freedom and living your true potential.

I believe in finding better ways to grow your business and live a better life.

I believe in being someone you can count on for support all the way into achieving your goal.

I have searched the world to find the best ways to grow, achieve permanent change and live your wildest dreams — I have found it in the program Thinking Into Results.

Better Ways. More Freedom.


What is the Freedom You’re Yearning For?

Many people feel restless and unfulfilled.

Are you one of them?

But what is the real reason you yearn for freedom?

It’s NOT about having freedom from our job, relationship or family.

The freedom you yearn for is…

  • to do what you’re being called to do from deep inside.
  • to be authentic, genuine, to be your true self.

Continue reading here…

Why Your Dissatisfaction with Life is Healthy

Were you ever told to be satisfied with life?
Happy with life? Absolutely. Satisfied? No.

You see, from the moment you were born you’ve been going after goals. First you wanted to crawl, then stand, then walk, then talk.

As a baby, a very natural part of you always strived for that next level of accomplishment and how great you felt each time you achieved it. How happy those around you were too.

So why do we stop striving to better ourselves?
Is it any wonder life feels so meaningless and empty?

The reason you’re born to be dissatisfied is because you’re born to be a goal achiever, always onward and upward.

Don’t fight it; embrace it.

It’s in your nature to explore and experience life, to stretch, to grow.

The path to exploring, stretching and growing is to go after something you truly want.

“If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being,
you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.”
~~ Abraham Maslow

When we’ve stretching and giving our best, we’re at our happiest.
When we’re suppressing ourselves and living a mediocre life, we’re miserable.

To be “satisfied” with life at any time is to have missed the point completely.

Read more…