Seeking Freedom is Never Frivolous

Think about those behaviours we label wayward or sinful and you’ll notice they’re not about the behaviour at all; they’re about our urgency to become someone really exceptional, truly outstanding.

Let me explain.

You’d dearly love to live life on your own terms, not according to someone else’s rules.

You want to be liberated and you WISH it were an ideal world.

Well, it is an ideal world, once you’ve gathered the right knowledge and chosen that as an outcome.

In you is a tremendous desire to exercise your free will and go for greatness but it takes enormous courage because it means going against the flow.

That’s what in most cases STOPS our start because…

Read more here on my consulting website

This is Janet Poole and I believe everything starts with learning to love yourself.

Loving yourself first puts you in the best place to learn how to use the infinite, high performance machine we call our mind so that you can discover your true potential, get out of the box and live a life of love & freedom!

I believe in leading yourself and others with love, breaking the rules and trusting yourself.

I believe in being someone you can count on for support all the way into achieving your goal.

Lead with Love. Break the Rules. Trust Yourself.

Contact me if that’s how you’d like to run your life and business!

Thinking into Results Certified Consultant

The Miraculous Gift You Were Given as a Child

As children, little did we know we’d stumbled on the truth about creation.

Then it was taken from us.

We naturally used our IMAGINATION.
We didn’t care whether something was “possible” or “impossible”.
We indulged in our imagination!

“Imagination is the beginning of creation.
You imagine what you desire,
you will what you imagine
and at last you create what you will.”
~~ George Bernard Shaw

We’ve been programmed to negate the power of imagination and to instead focus on buying and consuming products.

And what is a product?

It’s the outcome of someone else’s  imagination!

Look around you – everything started in someone’s imagination.

When you start getting involved with your  imagination and construct in 3D the things you want, you leave behind the outside world and step into a different reality.

Your imagination talks to your subconscious mind, which of course is universal mind and all answers exist in universal mind.

Your imagination is your way of accessing the universe.

Everything outside of you is someone else’s dream and is not even close to your potential. Think about it, the whole world is someone else’s dream that we’ve accepted as our own.

As long as you continue to accept what you see before you, it will stay.

The way you change it is to no longer see it that way.

If you want a better reality it’s time to forget that the only thing “real” is… read on

This is Janet Poole and I believe in learning how to use the infinite, high performance machine we call our mind so that we can discover our true potential, get out of the box and live a life of love & freedom!

I believe in finding better ways to grow your business and live your greatest life.

I have searched the world to find the best ways to understand how to use your mind, grow as a person, achieve permanent change and live your wildest dreams — I have found it in the program THINKING INTO RESULTS.

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Thinking into Results Certified Consultant

A 10% or 20% Improvement is NOT the Idea

Ten or twenty percent is only an incremental gain.

For some that’s an impressive performance – depending on the challenge.

I prefer the idea of a quantum leap.

Why not choose to double your level of success? Why not triple it? Or more!
Why play small when you can go big?

To do this you’re going to have to be illogical.

The 3 Basic Principles of a Quantum Leap

1. Think of something you truly WANT to achieve, something you’d love to be, do or have.
To achieve a quantum leap, it must come from inside.
It must be something seeking expression in and through YOU.
This could be for you personally — or if you’re the leader of a team or business.

What do you have a burning desire to do?
If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
Write it down. Imagine you are already living it NOW (that’s really important).

2. Let go of having to know HOW you’re going to get there.
You may already be able to see the problems you’ll face.
You may already realise some resources you’ll need are missing.
You may have no idea how you’re going to work through some of the logistics.
Believe it or not, none of that is your problem.

“Absence of evidence is not evidence of their absence.”
~~ Price Pritchett, You2

Everything you need will come to you as you need it.

…read on to learn Principle #3 — it’s simple but essential for you to make that quantum leap!

Related Reading:

Is Anything Really Possible?

Play It Safe and Survive — Is That Enough?

How to Be Happy and Love Your Life

Do You Think For Yourself? Here’s How to Start

This is Janet Poole and I believe in freedom and living your true potential.

I believe in finding better ways to grow your business and live a better life.

I believe in being someone you can count on for support all the way into achieving your goal.

I have searched the world to find the best ways to grow, achieve permanent change and live your wildest dreams — I have found it in the program Thinking Into Results.

Better Ways. More Freedom.


Have You Been Gifted With Magical Powers?


Some people call big achievements magic,
but all “miracles” are merely in line
with the power of the mind and quantum physics,
in fact all laws of the universe!

Isn’t that great? There is no mystery.

Magic: The power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces (Oxford Dictionary).

We use the word “magic” as if it’s something unexplainable and beyond our ability.

Yet you are gifted as a supremely powerful creator, infinite and eternal … you are naturally already “supernatural”.

“People who say it can’t be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.” ~~ George Bernard Shaw

Would you like to see evidence of your supremely powerful creative abilities?

If yes, then come with me because it’s time we talked about FREE WILL.

Free will is a big deal…

… because you can choose to give yours away.

Think about that for a moment.

Most people give their FREE WILL away.

Have you? … Given yours away?

If yes, are you ready to re-embrace and exercise YOUR FREE WILL?

Answering YES moves you in a new direction and from here on some effort is required. You’ll be handsomely rewarded I assure you.

Your decision to say YES means you’re ready to embrace your supremely powerful creative abilities.

You can’t NOT create

This is easy because you’re creating all the time.

You’re ALREADY a natural-born creator.

Look at your results. Look at the state of your relationships, your income, your health, your career… look at everything in your life.

You created it all.

Whether or not you like your results, my point is a powerful creator did it.
YOU did it.

The beauty here is this also means YOU CAN CHANGE IT ALL

Why I asked you about free will is because to use it, you need to make a conscious choice to come from within and DECIDE… ORIGINATE… CREATE what YOU want.

Not what your family wants and not what advertisers think you should have.

For the most part people create unconsciously on auto-pilot haphazardly influenced by news reports, media, social media, friends and family.

“The world is but a canvas to our imagination.” ~~ Henry David Thoreau

You have free will to create what you DON’T want.

You have free will to create what you DO want.

From today, ask yourself, “WHAT DO I TRULY WANT?”

Anything you can imagine having, you can live.

Anything you want, you can have.

If you’ve been gifted with such seemingly “magical” creative powers, why wouldn’t you use them?

Photo source

Read the following articles to

Dream Big!

What does it mean when a person says, “Something is missing in my life”?

7 Things Happy People Do – They Create in Their Own Unique Way (Part 6 of 7)

Finding Times Tough? 2 Easy and Effective Steps to Start Your Happy Life (Part 3 of 7)

Are Other People’s Dreams More Important Than Yours?

This is Janet Poole; I believe in finding better ways to live your life and grow your business.

I believe in sharing those ideas!

Better Ways. More Freedom.


7 DO’s and 3 DON’Ts! Ten Proven Success Activities to Get Anything You Want (Part 1)

Surreal Traveller
DON’T Be Realistic… DO DREAM BIG


“Happiness is a condition. It is not something that is achieved by pursuing it directly, but rather comes as a result of our engaging in purposeful activities.” ~~ Aristotle

DO the following every day and you’ll


ACHIEVE THEM and feel HAPPY too!

Interestingly, these are not hard to do or complicated.


(This is Part 1 – success activities 1 to 5 – Here’s Part 2)

1. DON’T Be Realistic… DO Dream BIG!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.

So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.”
~~ Mark Twain

As a child I remember my parents saying, Janet be more realistic. Huh? Most people buy into being realistic.

I was excited to discover that Will Smith considers being realistic the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity! Watch the video below.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
~~ Nelson Mandela

Why would you be realistic? Nothing is UNrealistic!

And if you don’t have an exciting, worthwhile goal, you simply won’t be inspired to do the next 9 points.

Why does it help you to DREAM BIG?

When you’re dreaming big, your mind flips into a higher frequency and you start tapping into the power of your mind. When we have an exciting dream, life turns into fun. We’re motivated to take bold action and keep persisting.


a. Ask yourself the following ENTICING QUESTIONS. I discovered them in Brian Tracy’s book “The Power of Self-Confidence” (great book by the way!)

“What one great thing would I dare to dream, if I knew I could not fail?”

“What if I was completely unafraid of anyone or anything and I felt completely free to act in my own best interests?”

b. Then phrase your dream as if you already have it.
Write it, read it every day from here on.
Your current unwanted, limited thoughts came from repetition.

Use REPETITION to program your mind for what you WANT.

“There’s no reason to have a Plan B – because it distracts from Plan A.”
~~ Will Smith

Read “Dream Big” if you want more help!

2. DO Make Your Own Decisions

Risk Decision

 “Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.”                        ~~ Ray Bradbury

Now that you’re dreaming big, make a DECISION to have it. You’ll probably not know HOW you’re going to achieve it. Good.

Nor did the Wright brothers know HOW they’d fly.

But they made a DECISION to do it.

Why does making your own decisions help you?

You no longer WAIT for others to decide your life (or worse… allow your life). When you make your own decisions, you’re becoming a great leader of yourself.

Most people wait their entire life hoping to discover how to achieve what they want before they DECIDE to do it.

…the HOW never comes.

They never make the decision

and never get what they want.

The DECISION comes first.
Then the HOW arrives.

How to become a good DECISION MAKER:

Dream big. Why? Because then you’ll know what you want and where you’re going! When an opportunity appears, you can quickly and confidently say YES.

Now, some decisions are larger than others (or so we think). So, how do you know if a choice is right for you?

Ask yourself this simple question to find out:

“Do I want this?” If you do, say YES and let the how be revealed.

3. DO Develop Initiative

Pathway in Lake

Does the idea of INITIATIVE excite or scare you? Or both!

Initiative isn’t hard; it’s simply YOU TAKING ACTION – one step at a time toward achieving what you want. The journey will unfold.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” ~~ Henry David Thoreau

Life is not a spectator sport. If you want to enjoy life, start participating.

Why does INITIATIVE help you?

When you start taking the initiative and doing what you love, you’ll discover more of your hidden talents and abilities. These will help you go bigger.

Most people think other people have what it takes to go big. Yes they do, but YOU do as well. We all do.

Successful people are merely those who love giving life a go and BEING THEIR BEST.

They are not super-intelligent, they never went to the most expensive schools – some never even finished school!

4 Steps to develop INITIATIVE:

a. First ask yourself: “Am I ABLE to go for what I want?” The answer is always YES.

b. Then: “Am I WILLING to go for what I want?” Only you can answer that. Most people are NOT WILLING to put in any effort even if the rewards are BIG.
You can see why so many people are not getting what they want in life!

c. Look for self-development opportunities –
– Books like mine
– Decide to discover your WHY. Turn the lights on!
Read 7 Things Happen When You Don’t Know Your WHY
– Programs such as Thinking Into Results (for you and your business). This develops your initiative because you’ll start realising what you’re capable of. (incredible, amazing, magnificent things :- )

d. If you find you’re NOT taking the initiative on your own then now is the time to look at the above point… get supported and encouraged! Research shows your results are always bigger when you have someone cheering you on – and why athletes always have a coach.

4. DON’T Allow Excuses. Start DO-ING. You’ll Find a Way.

Boy on bike

Do you make excuses? Anyone who says “no” is a rare individual.

 “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can’t find them, they make them.” ~~ George Bernard Shaw

It’s fear that lurks beneath most excuses. Bottom line however it’s still an excuse.


You are always “Thinking Into Results” i.e. your thinking and feelings drive your actions. And actions get results.

When you start taking ACTIONS consistent with who you want to be, it strengthens your THINKING that way too.

Therefore, when you “ACT as if” you already have a certain quality the ACTION naturally causes a mental picture to form i.e. a THOUGHT.

As William James said – “Action seems to follow feelings, but really actions and feelings go together, and by regulating the action, which is under direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling which is not.”

Think about learning to ride a bike. You didn’t know how to ride when you started out and could have made an excuse saying, “I don’t know how to ride and may get hurt.”

Instead you chose to “act as if” you could ride and hopped on the bike. You started pedaling. That ACTION naturally developed your mental picture. With repetition, you began riding automatically… and so developed the thought of “I can ride a bike.”


a. There’s always a reason to say NO or that you CAN’T do something. Think about how you CAN. If you have a burning desire, you WILL find a way.
b. Stop making health – intelligence – time or money an excuse (see George Bernard Shaw’s quote about circumstance above)
c. Honestly ask yourself, “Is there an excuse in this?” You may not like the answer but it’s the truth.
d. “Act as if” you’re the person who CAN DO this – no excuses. Eventually you’ll be this person for real. As in the example of riding a bike.

Watch the movie “YES MAN”. You’ll get the idea. YES is a fabulous word. No excuses!

People who do better simply don’t make excuses.

5. DON’T “Try”. Just DO It!

Basketball net

As Yoda said in Star Wars, “Do or do not – there is no try.

When did you last say, “I tried…?”

As you read this, do a little experiment. Pick up a pencil and then… TRY to drop it. Interesting isn’t it? You either drop it or you don’t. There is no TRY.

Why does DOING instead of “TRYING” help you?

“Trying” immediately jeopardizes your results because it keeps the door open for an excuse.

DOING ensures NO excuses.

How to start DOING instead of only TRYING:

a. Ask a friend or your partner to gently remind you if they hear you use the word, “try”. Catching ourselves in the habit can be a challenge.
b. Move fear out of the way. The only way you conquer fear is to DO the thing you fear. It may sound counter-intuitive but take it from me who has experienced sheer terror in many of the things I’ve wanted to.

Insist on taking firm steps forward, even if they’re small. You will ultimately succeed.

Related articles:

How to Take Action to Get What You Want
7 Things Happy People Do – They Take Action (Part 5 of 7)
Finding Times Tough? How to Take Action Today to Get Your Happy Life (Part 4 of 7)

Read Part 2:

Points 6 – 10 of “7 DO’s and 3 DON’Ts! Top 10 Proven Daily Success Activities to Get Anything You Want (Part 2)”

Photo Sources 1 2 3 4 5

This is Janet Poole; I believe in finding better ways to live your life and grow your business.

I believe in sharing those ideas!

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Shock yourself by achieving your dreams.
There’s NO goal, vision or dream too big for you to live.
You can BE, DO and HAVE anything you truly desire.

Send an email to me at nowjustlikethat (@)
I’d love to hear about your dreams.

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