Overcome the #1 Fear Stopping You From Your Best Life

What do you really want?

Are you living it?

If not, when will you do it?

Have you ever wondered why you haven’t acted on your new idea or secret passion to be, do or have what you truly want?

Your first thought may be “Fear of Failure”. But it’s not.

It’s time to be totally honest with ourselves because time is marching on and we have so many opportunities available to us NOW.

It is our Fear of Criticism that stops us.

“When you find yourself on the side of the majority,
it’s time to pause and reflect.”
~~ Mark Twain

Most of us are very familiar with our Fear of Failure, but it’s really our fear of the criticism we might get.

Fear of Criticism lurks beneath our conscious awareness, it lives in our subconscious mind and we don’t even know it’s there.

Fear of Criticism sits at the core of our Fear of Failure and we feel immobilised.

Deep down we crave acceptance and approval; for most of us it feels like our very survival depends on it.

It’s the reason we don’t publicly set high goals for ourselves or “out of the ordinary” big goals – people will think we’re crazy.

It’s the reason our lives are filled with obligations, doing things that bring heaviness to our heart and soul.

It’s the reason we’re willing to live a lie rather than express our truth.

All because of the Fear of Criticism.

What follows is paraphrased from Napoleon Hill’s book Think And Grow Rich.

By interviewing 500 of the world’s most successful people, Napoleon Hill discovered that Fear of Criticism is why people often do not take any action, and certainly will not take continuous, persistent action, to follow their burning desire.

How to Start Overcoming Fear of Criticism & Develop Persistence

There are four simple steps which lead to the habit of persistence.

They call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular amount of education, and but little time or effort.

The necessary FOUR STEPS are here…

This is Janet Poole and I believe in learning how to use the high performance machine we call our mind so that we can discover our true potential, get out of the box and live a life of love & freedom!

I believe in finding better ways to grow your business and live your greatest life.

I have searched the world to find the best ways to understand how to use your mind, grow as a person, achieve permanent change and live your wildest dreams — I have found it in the program THINKING INTO RESULTS.

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Thinking into Results Certified Consultant

7 DO’s and 3 DON’Ts! Ten Proven Success Activities to Get Anything You Want (Part 2)

Let’s get into Proven Success Activities 6 – 10.

In Part 1 of this two-part series we discussed proven success activities 1 – 5.
Ensure you DO ACTIVITY NUMBER ONE first, because only then will you be motivated to do the other activities.



In short, ACTIVITY is the most potent way to get anything you want.

“By THOUGHT, the thing you want is brought to you;

by ACTION you receive it.”

~~ Wallace D. Wattles

But what do we mean by ACTIVITY? Read on to find out.

6. DO Fail Your Way to Success

“In order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”
~~ Bill Cosby

Do you allow the fear of failure to lock you into endless PROCRASTINATION?

“We can either tiptoe through life and hope we get to death without being too badly bruised or we can live a full life, complete life achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams.”
~~ Bob Proctor

Failure is an interesting concept. When something goes “wrong” we think u-oh what does that mean? It merely means you’re on track moving into something better. All you MUST do is stay focused on what you want.

Do you think there are only two directions in life – failure OR success?

How do you see the world?

Failure <– <– YOU –> –> Success1

OR… do you see…

YOU –> –> Failure –> –> Success

Most people think failure is “EITHER/OR”.

Instead, failure is merely feedback and a part of the journey to success. As discussed in the article How Could Every Failure Be a Success?

Why does being WILLING TO FAIL help you get anything you want?

Knowledge and understanding precedes change – see the article Discover the First Key Element to Getting What You Want. Re-frame your beliefs about failure.

Go_For_No__BookIn Go For No by Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton tell us of a whole psychology embracing failure to achieve faster and bigger success.

They even say “willingness” to fail isn’t enough, it’s essential to develop a “wantingness” to fail. They explain why the faster you fail and the bigger you fail, the faster you’ll achieve success.

When you embrace failure as a path to going bigger, you let go of all the angst and shame surrounding the word.

You’ll see failure as a fun adventure.

You’ll feel safe taking action.

You’ll choose to applaud every ACTION you take as a SUCCESS.

(whether or not the outcome is “seen” as success)

You only fail if you quit. Keep going and success is inevitable.

Of course, if things keep going wrong then it’s time to reassess your direction.

Everything is happening for your good. Hindsight will show you why things happened the way they did and that we’re too quick to judge!

How to fail your way to success:

1. If you’re too afraid to fail, you will never DO anything new. Keep looking for ways to ACT. Don’t wait… Do it.
2. Get more inspiration from Go For No.
(1Sourced from the book Go For No P. 29)

7. DO Choose a GREAT Attitude… and DO keep making it even better

FireworksHow’s your attitude today?

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal. Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” ~~ Thomas Jefferson

Why does a GREAT ATTITUDE help you get anything you want?

Attitude is VITAL !!! Without a great attitude, even the most incredible talents and education won’t get you there.

Have a look – many people with multiple degrees aren’t doing well.

It is NOT about education, degrees, talent.

1st comes your ATTITUDE

2nd comes your intelligence, education and talent

“It’s your attitude, not your aptitude that will determine your altitude.”
~~ Zig Ziglar

How to have a great attitude:

You have 100% control over your attitude. Expand your perspective (see Pt 9).

Thinking Into Results is the way I help motivate people into “bettering” their attitude. From GOOD TO GREAT and from AWFUL TO AWESOME. In fact Thinking Into Results moves ALL these 10 success activities into your every day life.

8. DO More Than You’re Paid For

Bee in rose“It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life…that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.”
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

If your first thought is to GET from a situation or a person, you’ve already lost. What can you GIVE?

Always GIVE your BEST no matter what… now and forever.

Why does DOING MORE than you’re paid for help you get anything you want?

You become what you think about. When your thoughts and actions are ABUNDANT they move you into even greater abundance.

You’ll always be generously rewarded by first being of service and by first GIVING your BEST. Read more about this in my book.

How to start doing more than you’re paid for:

Do what you love! I’m NOT saying live a life of endless grind doing what you hate. Forget that. I AM saying decide what you want (see Part 1) and meanwhile do your best work while staying focused on where you’re going. Your thoughts become things so if you always GIVE your best, you will always GET the best. You will move into what you want.

START TODAY - Download 3 free Chapters. Click here.
START TODAY – Download 3 free Chapters. Click here.

Do what you love. I love what I do SO much I’d happily do it free.
That’s true FREEDOM !!!

Look for ways you can do things BETTER and make a greater difference. You will be rewarded.

My book How to Get Anything You Want – Just Like That!  gives you PERMISSION to do what you love and succeed. When you love doing something you’ll happily GIVE YOUR BEST – and the magnificence will come.

DOWNLOAD FREE the first 3 chapters or order How to Get Anything You Want – Just Like That! from Amazon here.

9. DO Expand Your Perspective


Do you see an old woman or
a young girl?

“Those who say it can’t be done ought to get out of the way of those doing it” ~~ George Bernard Shaw

Perspective is your point of view and there is ALWAYS another point of view in all situations.


Once you can see another viewpoint you cannot “unsee” it. Once the light is on you can’t turn it off! You are forever evolving.

Why does EXPANDING YOUR PERSPECTIVE help you get anything you want?

If you LOOK for a PROBLEM, you will FIND IT.

If you LOOK for an OPPORTUNITY, you will FIND IT.

Most people see situations only ONE way – in their limited way.

The greater your PERSPECTIVE,

the greater your CHOICES,

the greater your RESULTS.

I’ve said for years, “There’s always an answer” and I’ve always found it to be true.

What you LOOK for you will FIND.

How to expand your perspective:

1. PRETEND you can see several points of view.

I know that sounds strange but it works! Ask yourself, “If I were someone who could see two opportunities in this situation – what would they be?”

2. Dream big and you’ll be willing to see other points of view. So get that dream happening. See Part 1.

10. DO Engage Persistence

Waves on beach

Are you persistent or do you give up?

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ~~ Martin Luther King Jr.

I’ve put this as #10 however LACK OF PERSISTENCE is the main thing causing people to fail. Because THEY QUIT.

As already mentioned, there’s no such thing as failure (Pt.6), because it which can be viewed as many things (use Perspective Pt.9). Feedback, learning, wisdom.
But you WILL fail if you quit.

Most successful people experience some kind of setback on their journey. This is because life is fundamentally about “lessons” and a lesson is repeated until learned. Growth is why you’re here. It’s the journey that makes it fun, not just the destination.

Why does PERSISTENCE help you get anything you want?

It’s simple. Keep taking action and your success is inevitable.

Look at sport. If a basketball or soccer player didn’t keep shooting for the goal, they’d never score.

Most people give up way too easily.

PERSISTENCE will be your friend.

GROWTH your ultimate reward.

How to develop persistence:

1. Make an “advanced decision” to keep going no matter what. Just like you’d book a ticket on an airline and be there on the day no matter what.

If your mind plays tricks on you and encourages you to give up, you can say, “Well, fortunately I’ve made an advanced decision to do xyz every day no matter what.”

2. Look at Andrea and Richard’s Go for No program. This gives you perspective as well as staying power.

Study children. Notice it doesn’t matter how many times you say, “no” they don’t take it personally. They always ask one more time – just in case you’ve changed your mind.

And while you’re here…

The following will HELP YOU DO these 10 proven success activities every day.

1. DO take responsibility for your life. It’s a gift that you DO have control over how you think, feel and act. Use it!

2. DO stop conforming. The need to gain approval from others keeps most people from getting what they want. Become a powerful leader… of yourself! My book and Thinking Into Results show you how to overcome the old programming – and launch yourself into the FREEDOM you deserve.

3. DO hold your BIG EXCITING DREAM in your mind as you DO all these activities. All day, every day.

4. DO have fun. Life can be too serious. Actively look for ways to relax and laugh.

DO the above points with a LIGHT HEART!

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This is Janet Poole; I believe in finding better ways to live your life and grow your business.

I believe in sharing those ideas!

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Shock yourself by achieving your dreams.
There’s NO goal, vision or dream too big for you to live.
You can BE, DO and HAVE anything you truly desire.

Send an email to me at nowjustlikethat (@) gmail.com.
I’d love to hear about your dreams.

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