Change Your Reason for Working

WHY-postcard-front-BWouldn’t it be nice if you could earn big money doing what you love!

Most people doubt that possibility but that’s only one side of the issue.

Many clients tell me they have NO IDEA WHAT they love to do.

Let’s tackle both sides of this issue because something called creativity is the way forward for both.

Did you know…

– You are a born creator.
– You are a powerful creator.
– A happy person is a person being creative.

Allow me to clarify.

If you’re being creative, you’ll most likely be doing something you love and remember this, you don’t have to be an artist, writer or composer to be creative.

Being “creative” is doing anything you’ve never done before; moving into new experiences.
You could also call it moving forward, growing or evolving.
Look at nature.

What happens when nature is not growing or evolving?

If a tree is not growing, it’s dying.

Nature is always growing and evolving, and we ought to be too.

If you feel you HAVE to do your job, see that as red flag because it’s probably doing you more harm than good.

When you’re doing what you HAVE to do, you’re going uphill and moving AWAY from what you want.

What’s a good way to tell if you’re being creative and evolving?

You know you’re on track if you’re getting new experiences, doing something new for you and it feels like fun. Simple!

When we give ourselves permission to do something that feels like fun IT FEELS GOOD.

If that’s the case then no matter how silly it seems, DO IT.

I’ve found that…

all those intangible things like family, friends, health, fun and adventure are just as important, if not more important

… than income.

They are things money can’t buy.

Be sure to thoroughly enjoy them on your journey.

John Lennon said,
“Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans”.

Don’t spend most of your life hating what you do.

Don’t sacrifice the fullness of your life and your happiness for a pay check.

3 Things You Can Do Today

Step 1: Contemplate something fun you’d like to do.

Make a decision. You can’t get to a destination if you don’t know where you’re going.
If something doesn’t feel like fun – DO NOT do it.
(note: you may feel a little nervous and if so that’s a good sign! There is a difference : )

Step 2: Imagine you could start tomorrow – what’s something you
can do today to get going?

e.g. Would you need to study? Can you buy a book on the subject?
Could you start part-time?
Perhaps you could research information on the Internet.
Perhaps a start would be a simple as reorganising your office or clearing clutter!
Any small step will move you forward.

You’ll start giving yourself permission to do the thing you want to do and you’ll start moving into people and circumstances that help you.

Step 3: What to do if you still don’t know what to do.

I have a revolutionary new tool to help you discover what you love and it’s called your WHY.

When you know your WHY, life makes sense.

When you know your WHY, you have clarity, confidence and DIRECTION.
When you know your WHY, you live with passion.

Once you’re living with passion and doing what you love, money comes as a side-effect.

If you’d like to find out what matters to you, what you’re compulsive about and what you believe, let me know.

Discover your WHY.

Don’t waste another day, month or year wondering!

You’re meant to be happy and DO WHAT YOU LOVE.

Related Reading:

7 Things Happen When You Don’t Know Your WHY

Are You Brave Enough to Go For What You Truly Want? (Interview)

The Little Known Opportunity to Differentiate Your Business

When You Know Your WHY…

This is Janet Poole; I believe there are better ways to delight your customers and inspire your staff.

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Knowing your WHY is like turning on the lights to your behaviour. You gain instant clarity. It’s like being introduced to yourself. When you know your WHY, you begin to understand. When you know your WHY, you realise your unique gifts. When you know your WHY, you gain clarity and confidence. When you know your WHY you live with passion.

When you know your WHY you can take your business from good to great in a single day.

Know Your WHY logo


Say YES to Being the STAR of Your Life!


“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
~~ William Shakespeare

If that’s true, have you asked yourself the role you’re playing and who wrote your script?

Sadly, it most likely wasn’t you.

Few people know to write out their own script and participate fully in their own movie.

Most people are extras in other people’s movies!

There’s no fun in that.

This is where life is simple. All you need to do is understand a few fundamentals.

Here is the NUMBER ONE fundamental to understanding life:

You’re designed to create and live a life YOU love and to star CENTRE STAGE.

That’s it.

If you’re not creating your own life that then deep down you may feel the following:

  • Hollow
  • Empty
  • Dissatisfied
  • Frustrated
  • Angry
  • Depressed

Do you feel any of that?

So, why do so many people NOT create their life and instead live as an extra in someone else’s movie?

Again it’s simple. Culturally our “role” is programmed into us i.e. to put others first, make others happy and do what our family and society expect of us.

That programming is false but it’s SO deep, we have no idea we’ve been programmed.
People will even defend these rules as if they created them!

I write so many articles about this because we need to hear this “outrageous alternative” over and over before anything shifts.

You believed that old, false programming because it was passed down for generations; it’s in your genetics.
Then it was drummed into you daily for decades; it surrounds you environmentally.

Notice the technique? Repetition.

If repetition installed the old programming, why not use that same technique to re-program you for TRUTH!

You’re designed to live a life you love.

Science even backs this up for those who fear this new concept, but for most people this does ring true somehow, even if it sounds scary!

So, where to now? Okay, let the fun begin!

The fun is in creating the story YOU want.

Step 1.
Are you willing to contemplate what you want?

That’s the “hardest” part.

Most people are not willing to dream, which means no surprises if nothing changes.

Look at your story. Look at your life right now. Look at your results.

Are you happy with them?

Let’s play.

If you had ALL the time, money and resources what would you change, remove, or add to this story to make it more fabulous or exactly what you want?

Don’t tell anyone once you’ve done that!

I mean it. If you’ve dreamed something new and awesome for you, then you CAN HAVE it. But most people don’t have this information.

They’ll destroy your dream in a nanosecond by saying you’re nuts.

So keep it to yourself for now and hold it to you like a treasure.

Step 2: Imagine you’re already living this story.
What would you be doing every day?
If you could have what you want (and you can) what’s the first step you’d take to make it happen?

Step 3: Your first few actions will be obvious to you, if you’re open to see them.
Start taking action, even if it’s one new action a week.

Step 4: Look for the next action, once those actions are done. It will be revealed.

You’ll keep moving forward until one day suddenly you’re living the life you imagined.

It’s your story and you are the STAR : )


This is Janet Poole; I believe in finding better ways to live your life and grow your business.

I believe in sharing those ideas!

Better Ways. More Freedom.