We’ll Always Fail When Trying to Fit in

There’s this strong inner urge you have to express your uniqueness and yet the crazy thing is society encourages you to be like everyone else!

Look at the latest fashion, latest kitchens, latest bathrooms, latest cars, latest fill-in-the-blank.

You’re being coerced to fit in by following the latest whatever – and somewhere within that latest whatever you’re trying to express your uniqueness.

You are unique and we all benefit when you express your uniqueness, but we’ve been conditioned to think we can follow the majority and still be our unique selves.

That makes no sense. We’re kidding ourselves and deep down we know it, hence our restlessness.

You are a powerful infinite being so remind me why you’d want to be like everyone else especially when you can be ANYONE you want?

In essence you cannot be anyone other than you.

You’re merely PRETENDING to be “not you”. Sound ridiculous? Perhaps, but that’s exactly what most of us are trying to do.

…..Read more here

This is Janet Poole and I believe everything starts with learning to love yourself.

Loving yourself first puts you in the best place to learn how to use the infinite, high performance machine we call our mind so that you can discover your true potential, get out of the box and live a life of love & freedom!

I believe in leading yourself and others with love, breaking the rules and trusting yourself.

I believe in being someone you can count on for support all the way into achieving your goal.

Lead with Love. Break the Rules. Trust Yourself.

Contact me if that’s how you’d like to run your life and business!

Thinking into Results Certified Consultant

Why Love Yourself First?

The railroading and programming we’ve endured has always been about putting everyone else first, but how could that possibly work?

How can you possibly give love when you don’t have it to give?

How can you give a gift you don’t have?


I’m always saying be illogical but in this case logic works.

Trying to give, give, give when you feel you’ve got no more is a recipe for dis-ease.

It’s artificial giving. It’s got no heart. It’s a lie.

“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live,
it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.”
~~ Oscar Wilde

Imagine the joy and love you can give when you’re feeling alive, nurtured and fulfilled.

Get it in the right order:

1. Love yourself and put yourself first.
2. Do what you love.
3. Become an inexhaustible source of love and joy for others.

Much love,


This is Janet Poole and I believe everything starts with learning to love yourself.

Loving yourself first puts you in the best place to learn how to use the infinite, high performance machine we call our mind so that you can discover your true potential, get out of the box and live a life of love & freedom!

I believe in leading yourself and others with love, breaking the rules and trusting yourself.

I believe in being someone you can count on for support all the way into achieving your goal.

Lead with Love. Break the Rules. Trust Yourself.

Contact me if that’s how you’d like to run your life and business!

Thinking into Results Certified Consultant

Our Natural Urge to Gamble

No matter how good or bad our circumstances, deep down inside we all believe we’re capable of doing better.

In fact it’s better than that; we have a natural urge to bet on ourselves, to bet on our own unique creative potentials.

Think about it… you have

  • a natural urge to demonstrate faith in yourself
  • to act with courage
  • to gamble on or take a chance on your own abilities.

That’s because you’re designed to do that.

If all the time, money, resources and skills were available to you and fear wasn’t an issue, you’d take a chance on you wouldn’t you?

You certainly would because it feels exciting.

You’d feel ALIVE!

But what do most of us do instead?

We suppress the urge and play it safe hoping that somehow, without stepping out of our comfort zone, life will become more meaningful and rewarding.

Here is the downside of refusing to take a chance on ourselves and act with courage

This is Janet Poole and I believe in learning how to use the infinite, high performance machine we call our mind so that we can discover our true potential, get out of the box and live a life of love & freedom!

I believe in finding better ways to grow your business and live your greatest life.

I have searched the world to find the best ways to understand how to use your mind, grow as a person, achieve permanent change and live your wildest dreams — I have found it in the program THINKING INTO RESULTS.

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Thinking into Results Certified Consultant


Change Your Reason for Working

WHY-postcard-front-BWouldn’t it be nice if you could earn big money doing what you love!

Most people doubt that possibility but that’s only one side of the issue.

Many clients tell me they have NO IDEA WHAT they love to do.

Let’s tackle both sides of this issue because something called creativity is the way forward for both.

Did you know…

– You are a born creator.
– You are a powerful creator.
– A happy person is a person being creative.

Allow me to clarify.

If you’re being creative, you’ll most likely be doing something you love and remember this, you don’t have to be an artist, writer or composer to be creative.

Being “creative” is doing anything you’ve never done before; moving into new experiences.
You could also call it moving forward, growing or evolving.
Look at nature.

What happens when nature is not growing or evolving?

If a tree is not growing, it’s dying.

Nature is always growing and evolving, and we ought to be too.

If you feel you HAVE to do your job, see that as red flag because it’s probably doing you more harm than good.

When you’re doing what you HAVE to do, you’re going uphill and moving AWAY from what you want.

What’s a good way to tell if you’re being creative and evolving?

You know you’re on track if you’re getting new experiences, doing something new for you and it feels like fun. Simple!

When we give ourselves permission to do something that feels like fun IT FEELS GOOD.

If that’s the case then no matter how silly it seems, DO IT.

I’ve found that…

all those intangible things like family, friends, health, fun and adventure are just as important, if not more important

… than income.

They are things money can’t buy.

Be sure to thoroughly enjoy them on your journey.

John Lennon said,
“Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans”.

Don’t spend most of your life hating what you do.

Don’t sacrifice the fullness of your life and your happiness for a pay check.

3 Things You Can Do Today

Step 1: Contemplate something fun you’d like to do.

Make a decision. You can’t get to a destination if you don’t know where you’re going.
If something doesn’t feel like fun – DO NOT do it.
(note: you may feel a little nervous and if so that’s a good sign! There is a difference : )

Step 2: Imagine you could start tomorrow – what’s something you
can do today to get going?

e.g. Would you need to study? Can you buy a book on the subject?
Could you start part-time?
Perhaps you could research information on the Internet.
Perhaps a start would be a simple as reorganising your office or clearing clutter!
Any small step will move you forward.

You’ll start giving yourself permission to do the thing you want to do and you’ll start moving into people and circumstances that help you.

Step 3: What to do if you still don’t know what to do.

I have a revolutionary new tool to help you discover what you love and it’s called your WHY.

When you know your WHY, life makes sense.

When you know your WHY, you have clarity, confidence and DIRECTION.
When you know your WHY, you live with passion.

Once you’re living with passion and doing what you love, money comes as a side-effect.

If you’d like to find out what matters to you, what you’re compulsive about and what you believe, let me know.

Discover your WHY.

Don’t waste another day, month or year wondering!

You’re meant to be happy and DO WHAT YOU LOVE.

Related Reading:

7 Things Happen When You Don’t Know Your WHY

Are You Brave Enough to Go For What You Truly Want? (Interview)

The Little Known Opportunity to Differentiate Your Business

When You Know Your WHY…

This is Janet Poole; I believe there are better ways to delight your customers and inspire your staff.

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Knowing your WHY is like turning on the lights to your behaviour. You gain instant clarity. It’s like being introduced to yourself. When you know your WHY, you begin to understand. When you know your WHY, you realise your unique gifts. When you know your WHY, you gain clarity and confidence. When you know your WHY you live with passion.

When you know your WHY you can take your business from good to great in a single day.

Know Your WHY logo


7 Things Happen When You Don’t Know Your WHY


“Most people die in their early 20’s.
We simply wait until they reach their 80’s to bury them.”
~~ Jim Rohn

“WHY” is one of our first and most favourite words and yet sadly most of us go from birth to death without discovering the answer.

I believe we ought to live a life that matters and I’ve always believed there’s a fun, heartfelt way of finding out how to do that.

NOT knowing your WHY usually leads to 7 unwanted things:

2. You’re uncertain, doubtful & fearful
3. You’re not passionate & in the wrong career
5. You’re playing small
6. You’re MISSING OUT on what matters to you
7. You have CONFLICT in your relationships

Most people lack passion because they don’t know WHY they do what they do and therefore can’t confidently decide what they want in life, choose the ideal career or relationship.

Most people have no idea WHAT THEY BELIEVE.
What do YOU believe?

The ability for you to 100% KNOW your WHY and be certain of it is a recent revolutionary development towards making the world a better place.

The WHY I’m talking about IS WAY DEEPER than why you want to start a workout program or lose weight. This WHY is about WHAT YOU BELIEVE and WHAT YOU STAND FOR.

It’s what really matters to you.

KNOWING YOUR WHY leads to 7 FABULOUS things:

2. You become INSPIRED; you inspire others
3. You live with PASSION and purpose
4. You’re AUTHENTIC, unique & special
5. You enjoy close, TRUSTED and loyal relationships
6. You PLAY ALL OUT and do what you love to do
7. You start generating HIGHER INCOME

I’ve always believed that by just being yourself you can create anything you want.

This is a new tool and it’s both serious and light-hearted.

SERIOUS because your life will take on a whole new deeper meaning.
LIGHT-HEARTED because the process to find your WHY is fun and easy.

After years of research we’ve discovered there are 9 WHYs.
Which one is yours?

Message me if you want to know more

A person who knows their WHY gets up in the morning excited; they live with passion.

I believe the best way to succeed is not by changing you… it’s by CELEBRATING WHO YOU ARE!

That’s WHY I do the work I do!

Related Reading:

7 Unwanted Things When You’re Not Living Your WHY
10 Major Reasons WHY-Inspired Leaders Have Inspired EMPLOYEES (part 1)
10 Major Reasons WHY-Inspired Leaders Inspire Their CUSTOMERS (part 2)
When You Know Your WHY…

How to Get Massive Business Growth the Heart-felt Way
How to Get Anything You Want By Being Authentically YOU

This is Janet Poole; I believe there are better ways to delight your customers and inspire your staff.

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Knowing your WHY is like turning on the lights to your behaviour. You gain instant clarity. It’s like being introduced to yourself. When you know your WHY, you begin to understand. When you know your WHY, you realise your unique gifts. When you know your WHY, you gain clarity and confidence. When you know your WHY you live with passion.

When you know your WHY you can take your business from good to great in a single day.

Know Your WHY logo