Overcome the #1 Fear Stopping You From Your Best Life

What do you really want?

Are you living it?

If not, when will you do it?

Have you ever wondered why you haven’t acted on your new idea or secret passion to be, do or have what you truly want?

Your first thought may be “Fear of Failure”. But it’s not.

It’s time to be totally honest with ourselves because time is marching on and we have so many opportunities available to us NOW.

It is our Fear of Criticism that stops us.

“When you find yourself on the side of the majority,
it’s time to pause and reflect.”
~~ Mark Twain

Most of us are very familiar with our Fear of Failure, but it’s really our fear of the criticism we might get.

Fear of Criticism lurks beneath our conscious awareness, it lives in our subconscious mind and we don’t even know it’s there.

Fear of Criticism sits at the core of our Fear of Failure and we feel immobilised.

Deep down we crave acceptance and approval; for most of us it feels like our very survival depends on it.

It’s the reason we don’t publicly set high goals for ourselves or “out of the ordinary” big goals – people will think we’re crazy.

It’s the reason our lives are filled with obligations, doing things that bring heaviness to our heart and soul.

It’s the reason we’re willing to live a lie rather than express our truth.

All because of the Fear of Criticism.

What follows is paraphrased from Napoleon Hill’s book Think And Grow Rich.

By interviewing 500 of the world’s most successful people, Napoleon Hill discovered that Fear of Criticism is why people often do not take any action, and certainly will not take continuous, persistent action, to follow their burning desire.

How to Start Overcoming Fear of Criticism & Develop Persistence

There are four simple steps which lead to the habit of persistence.

They call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular amount of education, and but little time or effort.

The necessary FOUR STEPS are here…

This is Janet Poole and I believe in learning how to use the high performance machine we call our mind so that we can discover our true potential, get out of the box and live a life of love & freedom!

I believe in finding better ways to grow your business and live your greatest life.

I have searched the world to find the best ways to understand how to use your mind, grow as a person, achieve permanent change and live your wildest dreams — I have found it in the program THINKING INTO RESULTS.

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Thinking into Results Certified Consultant

Use This Powerful Ability to Create the Life You Want

Think about your car, phone, computer, air travel and the lamp on your bedside table.

How did they originate?

Almost everything we use on a daily basis is the direct result of someone’s thought or idea. Even the clothes you’re wearing.

But what do we mean by someone’s “thought” or “idea”?

It’s often overlooked that these things were created FIRST in someone’s IMAGINATION.

“Imagination is the beginning of creation.
You imagine what you desire,
You will what you imagine and
at last you create what you will.”
~~ George Bernard Shaw

We all have the ability to use our imagination which means we already have in us everything it takes to create anything we want in our life!

Magnificent news!

Yet most of us don’t use this ability. Before starting school we thoroughly enjoyed using our imagination but then we were punished for daydreaming and told to pay attention.

Obviously many people use their imagination to design homes, art, write novels etc, however few adults use their imagination to DREAM of and CREATE the life they want.

Click here to read on – HOW TO CREATE the life you want…

This is Janet Poole and I believe in freedom and living our true potential.

I believe in finding better ways to live a better life.

I have searched the world to find the best ways to grow, get permanent change and achieve your wildest dreams — I have found it in the program Thinking Into Results.

Better Ways. More Freedom.

Contact Janet Poole here


How Could Every Failure Be a Success?


We never “fail”… we’re just afraid we might.

(and who decides it’s “failure” because really and truly there’s no such thing : )

Even if you said you’d failed I’d say, “Congratulations – you’re moving… many are stuck so far back in fear, they might never move! You’re already further ahead.”

Today I’m emphasizing the advantages of MOVING INTO ACTION, that even if you make mistakes you’re still further ahead.

I’m also giving you an easy technique, to get you moving.

“Courage is being scared to death – and saddling up anyway.”

~~ John Wayne

The great thing about MOVING is it’s easier to change direction.

Imagine a vehicle.
– How hard is it to change direction while standing still? Very hard.
– How hard is it to change direction while moving? Very easy.

Studies show that people who achieve what they want, do it through trial and error.

Yes, a mistake is an indicator of success

How successful can you be if you’re DOING NOTHING?

Today I have some words of wisdom from Dr Maxwell Maltz author of Psycho-Cybernetics and below you’ll see a great technique I use – that you can start using today.

I was intrigued when I first heard that a rocket arrives at its destination through a series of mistakes (it fails its way there?) and that our subconscious mind is a mechanism operating in a similar way.

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

~~ Albert Einstein

According to Dr Maltz, our subconscious is in fact a “machine” we use.

We direct this machine using our conscious mind.

So, how is the mechanism in a rocket similar to your subconscious mind?

Have a look at this interesting list of similarities:

  • They are both goal-striving mechanisms.
  • They are both impersonal (your subconscious mind does not see things as good or bad it just goes ahead and creates your outside world according to your thinking – whether that serves you or not)
  • They must both be moving to get to their goal (sounds obvious yet most people don’t move)
  • They both reach their destination (goal) through trial and error. When they go forward, they make mistakes and correct their course. They are therefore further ahead.

What does it mean when a person says, “Something is missing in my life”?

Galaxy2We tend to complicate life, when it’s actually quite simple.

“Something is missing” means a few things (read on for those) but solving it starts with ONE thing…

We LOVE goals. We are goal seeking beings. To be truly happy and fulfilled, it’s important we have a goal.

We’ve lost touch with ourselves, we’ve forgotten what we need to make us happy and keep us happy.

Without a goal, we are lost.
Without a goal we have no destination.
Without a goal, we feel empty and unfulfilled.

A goal changes it all. Seriously, filling the hole can be that simple.

Now, when I say “goal” it’s not just any goal…


I hope that got your attention because we’ve been taught “fantasy” is just a fairytale, something you can never have… I’m here to tell you, you CAN have the FANTASY!!!

Do you think “flying” for the Wright Brothers was a fantasy? You bet it was. I’m sure you’ll agree it was an outrageous fantasy!

“I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity

to not know what can’t be done.”

~~Henry Ford

It’s my belief there’s no goal, vision or desire too big for you to live. If you ask me, I’ll say, “YES, you can have that!” (and then I’ll help you get it)

And in addition – to make it more fun – it’s best if you have NO idea HOW you’ll achieve this thing you want.

Most people want to be sure they know HOW to achieve their goal before starting out. No, please please please don’t do that. That will only hold you back – and leave you feeling like something is missing.

Forget the how. The fun is in finding out HOW and that’s the plan. We want fun.

Do you know anyone who is often irritable, angry, anxious and overworked? Possible someone who has things going wrong, finds fault with others and/or may even be ill?

These are all signs of a person without a worthwhile goal.

It makes sense. If someone is suppressing their inner urge to go for life and achieve something worthwhile, they will most likely feel irritable and possibly ill.

By contrast, when we have an awesome goal, one that engages us wholeheartedly and makes our heart sing – what time do we have for fault-finding or for illness?

Now, why do I suggest making your goal something HUGE and outrageous?

(even better if others think it’s impossible, something you’re crazy to even consider : )

Because there’s a second layer to this – the purpose of any worthwhile goal is to create and GROW.

One of our primary purposes on Earth is to GROW. And, even more fabulously, growth turns into wisdom.

“Rather than exist each day in some dull, boring habitual manner, move into action on a big idea.

Everyone is on the brink of possibility. Your responsibility is to discover what that possibility is for you.”

~~ Bob Proctor

In the same way that the FUN is in finding out how you’ll achieve your goal, your GROWTH will also come from finding out HOW to achieve your goal.

Fun…growth…wisdom all brought together. A great goal will do it!

Did you know, it’s not about achieving the goal?

It isn’t about what you acquire.

It’s about who you become as you grow. Y

ou grow intoyou become the person who achieves big things.
(which means you achieve the goal… and more!)

When you’re growing you feel truly alive, vibrant and happy. You’re living on purpose.

“The science of neuroplasticity has found strong evidence as to why new knowledge and experiences keep us healthy and happy.

It seems that new mental activities – preferably ones we enjoy – keep our brain younger by maintaining our ability to pay attention and to learn new information. Endlessly repeating the same activities causes us to lose those abilities.

There also seems to be a link between the state of our happiness and how many new neurons we produce. They apparently help us to see the world in new and different ways, and to recognize when we are having new experiences.

 If our world looks the same every day, it’s depressing.

~~ Janet Poole – Excerpt from “How to Get Anything You Want – Just Like That!”

If someone has no goal, they WILL feel something is missing.


They are not growing.

To be happy and fulfilled we must be GROWING!

PS. If you’re someone who has no idea what you want, but you know it’s something – please understand that is completely normal, and that there is a way through that!

PPS. When you aren’t growing you’re also stifling your natural urge to create and to use your own natural abilities and talents – those same talents that stay hidden in most people their whole life.

And remember, most people think being “creative” is something an artist does. No. Creating is anything that is new for you, that’s all.

Go for it and never hold back!

(Photo Source)

Related Reading:

Finding Times Tough? 2 Easy and Effective Steps to Start Your Happy Life

7 Things Happy People Do – They Create in Their Own Unique Way

Are Other People’s Dreams More Important Than Yours?

Your Playing Small Does Not Serve the World

This is Janet Poole; I believe in finding better ways to live your life and grow your business.

I believe in sharing those ideas!

Better Ways. More Freedom.

The Reasons People Struggle to Achieve Their Goals (interview)

Radio 720 WGN

Janet Poole was recently interviewed by Bill Leff from Radio 720 WGN – The Voice of Chicago.

Listen now to Janet Poole’s interview with Bill Leff

Here’s some of what we talked about:

♦ What was it that happened in childhood, which meant by the time you were 8 years old you were probably already doubting and limiting what you can achieve?

♦ Instead of living “outside the box”, has your box just got smaller – and are you still inside?

Loving yourself FIRST and why it’s essential to a fulfilled and happy life – for you and everyone else!

♦ The reason so many people have FORGOTTEN what they TRULY WANT in their life

♦ What is it that we forget to do – or perhaps are unwilling to do – when we set a goal?

“When you find yourself on the side of the majority – it’s time to pause and reflect !” (Mark Twain)

♦ How to get great people and great relationships in your life

♦ How to reduce obligation in your life… gently

♦ Learn one of the core fundamentals to happiness

♦ Why so many people struggle to achieve their goals

Listen here

Janet Poole is the bestselling author of How to Get Anything You Want – Just Like That! and a Facilitator of Bob Proctor’s Thinking into Results program…

Thinking into Results is a program that encourages outrageous fantasies and then shows you how to 100% live them! It’s great fun : ) Join me!